[RegCNET] ERA-Interim precipitation?

Raymond Arritt rwarritt at gmail.com
Tue May 1 22:44:48 CEST 2012

Is it possible to obtain ERA-Interim precipitation data corresponding to the 
initial/boundary data that we use for RegCM?

The RegCM4 global data page at http://users.ictp.it/~pubregcm/RegCM4/globedat.htm 
contains links to atmospheric fields and SST for ERA-Interim, but it does not 
include precipitation. I'm working on an analysis for which it would be helpful to 
have the ERA-Interim precipitation at the same resolution as the driving fields. I 
know there are other precipitation data sets such as CRU but for this purpose I 
specifically need the ERA-Interim precipitation.

It would be nice to have other surface weather elements (such as temperature) from 
ERA-Interim but precipitation is most important for my present application.

Ray Arritt

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