[RegCNET] Problem (projection) with RegCM4.1.1
Derbetini Appolinaire V.
derbetini at yahoo.fr
Fri Mar 9 17:35:28 CET 2012
I successfully compiled RegCM4.1.1 on my Fedora 14 x64.
I run also successfully these commands
./Bin/terrain ./proj_clim.in ./Bin/sst ./proj_clim.in
But when I trying to execute
./Bin/icbc ./proj_clim.in
I got the following errors:
This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4 SVN Revision: exported compiled at: data : Feb 23 2012 time: 17:47:07
: this run start at : Fri Mar 9 17:11:41 2012 : it is submitted by : lemap : it is running on : hpz800 : in directory : /home/lemap/RegCM-4.1.1 GLOBIDATE1 : 2030010100 GLOBIDATE2 : 2040123118 NSTEPS : 16072 Unknown dattyp
Here the content of the file proj_clim.in
! West African domain &dimparam iy = 104, jx = 90, kz = 18, nsg = 1, / &geoparam iproj = 'NORMER', ds = 50.0, ptop = 5.0, clat = 10.00, clon = 10.00, plat = 10.00, plon = 10.00, truelatl = 30.0, truelath = 60.0, i_band = 0, / &terrainparam domname = 'Kmair', ntypec = 5, ntypec_s = 2, smthbdy = .false., lakedpth = .false., fudge_lnd = .false., fudge_lnd_s = .false., fudge_tex = .false., fudge_tex_s = .false., h2opct = 75., dirter = '/home/lemap/RegCM-4.1/PreProc/Terrain', inpter = '/media/data', / &ioparam ibyte = 4, / &debugparam debug_level = 1, dbgfrq = 3, / &boundaryparam nspgx = 12, nspgd = 12, / &modesparam nsplit = 2, / &globdatparam ibdyfrq = 6, ssttyp = 'EHA1B', dattyp = 'EH5OM', ehso4 = .false., globidate1 = 2030010100, globidate2 = 2040123118, dirglob = '/home/lemap/RegCM-4.1/PreProc/ICBC', inpglob = '/media/data', / &globwindow lat0 = 0.0 lat1 =
0.0 lon0 = 0.0 lon1 = 0.0 / &aerosolparam aertyp = 'AER00D0' ntr = 10, nbin = 4, / &restartparam ifrest = .false. , idate0 = 2030010100, idate1 = 2030010100, idate2 = 2040123118, / &timeparam radfrq = 30., abemh = 18., abatm = 600., dt = 75., / &outparam ifsave = .true. , savfrq = 7200., iftape = .false. , tapfrq = 24., ifrad = .true. , radisp = 24., ifbat = .true. , ifsub = .false. , batfrq = 24., ifchem = .false., chemfrq = 6., dirout='/home/lemap/output1' / &physicsparam iboudy = 5, ibltyp = 1, icup = 2, igcc = 1, ipptls = 1, iocnflx = 2, ipgf = 0, iemiss = 0, lakemod = 0, ichem = 0, scenario = 'A1B', idcsst = 0, iseaice =
0, idesseas = 1, iconvlwp = 1, / &subexparam qck1land= .250E-03, qck1oce = .250E-03, cevap = .100E-02, caccr = 3.000, cftotmax = 0.75, / &grellparam / &emanparam elcrit = 0.0011D0, coeffr = 1.0D0, / &chemparam idirect = 1, inpchtrname = '', inpchtrsol = .00, inpchtrdpv = .00000, .00000, inpdustbsiz = .00, .00, /
Thanks for your help
VONDOU Derbetini Appolinaire
Laboratory for Environmental Modelling
and Atmospheric Physics
Department of Physics
University of Yaounde 1
PO Box 812 Yaounde
Republic of CAMEROON
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