[RegCNET] Test simulation with GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc got "NetCDF library error"

LANG WANG lang.wang at students.mq.edu.au
Wed Feb 8 07:24:57 CET 2012

Dear RegCM users

I try to run the RegCM4.1 model but stopped at the step of “test
simulation”. I wanted to create the DOMAIN file using terrain, and got

>./Bin/terrain test_001.in

error as followed:

Determined Grid coordinate range


 NetCDF library error.

 No such file or directory

I have download the global data including ETOPO_BTM_30s.nc;
GLCC_BATS_30s.nc;  GLZB_SOIL_30s.nc;  GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc from the website of:

I set the standard environment as the user guide told:


> ln -sf $REGCM_ROOT/Bin .

> cp $REGCM_ROOT/Testing/test_001.in .


Then I changed the test_001.in of $REGCM_RUN as the user guide.

The  $REGCM_RUN is considered as the home directory and so does

test_001.in is edited as follows:

! small European domain


 iy     = 34,

 jx     = 64,

 kz     = 18,

 nsg    = 1,



 iproj = 'LAMCON',

 ds = 60.0,

 ptop = 5.0,

 clat = 45.39,

 clon = 13.48,

 plat = 45.39,

 plon = 13.48,

 truelatl = 30.0,

 truelath = 60.0,

 i_band = 0,



 domname = 'test_001',

 ntypec = 10,

ntypec_s = 10,

 smthbdy = .false.,

 lakedpth = .false.,

 fudge_lnd   = .false.,

 fudge_lnd_s = .false.,

 fudge_tex   = .false.,

 fudge_tex_s = .false.,

 h2opct = 75.,

 dirter = 'input/',

 inpter = '$REGCM_GLOBEDAT',



 ibyte = 4,



 debug_level = 1,

 dbgfrq = 3,



 nspgx  = 12,

 nspgd  = 12,



 nsplit = 2,



 ibdyfrq = 6,

 ssttyp = 'OI_WK',

 dattyp = 'EIN15',

 ehso4 = .false.,

 globidate1 = 1990060100,

 globidate2 = 1990070100,

 dirglob = 'input/',

 inpglob = '$REGCM_GLOBEDAT',



 lat0 = 0.0

 lat1 = 0.0

 lon0 = 0.0

 lon1 = 0.0



 aertyp = 'AER00D0'

ntr = 10,

 nbin = 4,



 ifrest  = .false. ,

 idate0  = 1990060100,

 idate1  = 1990060100,

 idate2  = 1990060600,



 radfrq  =    30.,

 abemh   =    18.,

 abatm   =   600.,

 dt      =   150.,



 ifsave  = .true. ,

   savfrq  =    7200.,

 iftape  = .true. ,

   tapfrq  =     6.,

 ifrad   = .true. ,

   radisp  =     6.,

ifbat   = .true. ,

 ifsub   = .true. ,

   batfrq  =     3.,

 ifchem  = .false.,

   chemfrq =     6.,




 iboudy  =          5,

 ibltyp  =          1,

 icup    =          4,

   igcc    =          1,

 ipptls  =          1,

 iocnflx =          2,

 ipgf    =          0,

 iemiss  =          0,

 lakemod =          0,

 ichem   =          0,

 scenario = 'A1B',

 idcsst = 0,

 iseaice = 0,

 idesseas = 1,

iconvlwp = 1,



 qck1land =   .250E-03,

 qck1oce  =   .250E-03,

 cevap    =   .100E-02,

 caccr    =      3.000,

 cftotmax =      0.75,





 elcrit  = 0.0011D0,

 coeffr  = 1.0D0,



 idirect   =    1,

 inpchtrname  =   '',

 inpchtrsol   =   .00,

 inpchtrdpv   =  .00000, .00000,

 inpdustbsiz  =   .00,  .00,



 dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are',

 imask  = 1,

 clmfrq = 12.,


Could anyone help me? With many thanks in advance!

Best regards!


PhD Student
Department of Environment and Geography
Faculty of Science
Macquarie University
NSW 2109

lang.wang at students.mq.edu.au
*http://www.mq.edu.au/* <http://http://www.mq.edu.au/>**

Tel. +61 (0)2 9850 6372
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