[RegCNET] RegCM3 crash - kind of like CFL violation

Michal Belda belda at cs.cas.cz
Mon Feb 6 18:37:29 CET 2012

Dear RegCNETters,

I'm facing a problem with the model crashing after a couple of years of 
RegCM3 simulation forced by ERA-Interim on the 50km European domain as 
defined by the CORDEX guidelines. In the last 6 hours of 20080531 the 
model crashes with ps=NaN message no matter how short a time step I set. 
I've gone down to dt=30s, which is pretty short for a 50km simulation, 
but still no improvement. The strange thing is, this always happens 
after reading the 2008053118 BCs even with different time step settings.

Such situation usually translates to a corruption in the ICBCs, only I 
couldn't find any, the fields look consistent enough. I've been using 
the ERA-Interim data from the RegCM4 data web page, I even downloaded 
the 2008 data again and went through the ICBC preparation once more, but 
nothing helped.

By the way RegCM4 run with ICBC files prepared from the same ERA-Interim 
files finishes the whole 1989-2008 simulation without any crash.

Can anyone help with this please?

Thanks for any pointers.

I'm also pasting a fragment of the log file below.

BATS variables written at   2008053115   180.000000000000
      at day = 7090.6552, ktau =     116550 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps 
=  0.79588E-05 0.27204E-07,  no. of points w/convection =     141
      at day = 7090.7073, ktau =     116600 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps 
=  0.69961E-05 0.20833E-07,  no. of points w/convection =      71
            *** solar declination angle =  22.10 degrees.
   dectim =    178560.000000000
  OUT-history written date =    2008053118.00000
  BATS variables written at   2008053118  0.000000000000000E+000
  Writing rad fields at ktau =       116640  2008053118
  BCs are ready from   2008053118   to   2008060100
      at day = 7090.7594, ktau =     116650 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps 
=          NaN         NaN,  no. of points w/convection =       0
      at day = 7090.8115, ktau =     116700 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps 
=          NaN         NaN,  no. of points w/convection =       0
      at day = 7090.8635, ktau =     116750 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps 
=          NaN         NaN,  no. of points w/convection =       0

Michal Belda

Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University in Prague

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