[RegCNET] REMINDER !! - EGU2012, Vienna 22-27 April 2012, Session CL5.10, Dealine jan 17 2012

giorgi giorgi at ictp.it
Mon Jan 9 12:43:16 CET 2012

Dear all

first, I apologize for possible cross postings. This is a reminder to 
point your attention to the session

CL5.10, Regional Climate Modeling, projections and impacts (including CORDEX)

of the next EGU2012 General Assembly in Vienna on April 22-27 2012. Last year 
this session received the highest number of abstracts within the Climate 
program. It was a great session and the next one promises to be even more 
interesting, with more CORDEX related results becoming available. So please 
consider submitting an abstract and note that the deadline for submission is 17 
January 2012. A description of the session is reported below.

looking forward to seeing you there, with my best regards,

Filippo Giorgi

Session CL5.10
Regional Climate Modeling, projections and impacts (including CORDEX)

Regional climate models (RCMs) have become increasingly important tools in the 
study of regional climate processes and in the generation of regional climate 
change projections and seasonal to decadal predictions. In particular, under 
the endorsement and scientific initiative of the World Climate Research 
Programme (WCRP), a new international program, the Coordinated Regional climate 
Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX), has been implemented to evaluate and improve 
regional downscaling techniques and produce a new generation of regional 
climate projections for use in impact/adaptation studies.

In this session contributions are solicited on all aspects of regional climate 
change and regional climate modeling, including work conducted as part of 
international cooperative RCM projects such as CORDEX.

Specific themes for the session include:

* Regional climate modeling, dynamics and physical processes in RCMs
* Studies of extremes (heat waves, drough, flood) using RCMs
* Regional climate change projections and seasonal to decadal predictions using 
* Aerosols and their regional impacts on climate
* Regional climate information for use in impact/adaptation studies
* Land-Surface interactions and climate feedback
* Results from the CORDEX program

#  Filippo Giorgi, Head                                         #
#  Earth System Physics Section                                 #
#  The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics #
#  P.O. BOX 586, (Strada Costiera 11 for courier mail)          #
#  34100 Trieste, ITALY                                         #
#  Phone: + 39 040 2240 425                                     #
#  Fax: + 39 040  2240 449                                      #
#  email: giorgi at ictp.it                                        #

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