[RegCNET] ***SPAM*** [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 05.7/5.0] Animated Movie/TV Series - Cartoon Movie/TV Series - 3D/2D Animation Services

Louis maasmasaliasi17aiai at msn.com
Fri Dec 2 23:48:40 CET 2011

You are receiving this email because we wish you to use our 3D/2D Animated Movie/TV Series Services.
We are a China based Animated Movie/TV Series Studio. with the technical, our studio is a animation studio with the technical, creative and production capabilities to create a new generation of animated feature films, merchandise and other related products. Our objective is to combine proprietary technology and world-class creative talent to develop computer-animated feature films with memorable characters and heartwarming stories that appeal to audiences of all ages. We utilize the finest equipment available in the industry, offer efficient data delivery and unrivaled quality and work until the client is fully satisfied with the end product. 
Core Offerings
2D Animation
3D Animation
4D Animation
Cell Animation
Cartoon Animation
Animated Movies 
Animated TV Series
Architecture Visualization 
Character Animation 
Animated Commercial 
Animated Presentation 
Walkthrough Animation 
Flash Presentation 
Logo Animation 
Animated Wallpapers 
Animated Graphics 
We are also looking for agents who can represent us in USA and Europe in order to gain more Animated Movie orders.
Best regards,
Fangaganzan Animation Services
Contact: ibanicontact at yeah.net

Pls send address to koremoveideit at yeah.net  for remove


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