[RegCNET] Possible bug - bad time values

Mark A. Snyder masnyder at ucsc.edu
Wed Nov 23 00:48:21 CET 2011

Hi All,

I'm running RegCM4.1.1 on an Intel cluster (x86_64 linux, Intel compiler v 12.0.4, netCDF 4.0) and came across the issue where the values of the time variable written to the netCDF output files are out of order.  There is evidence of something odd in the standard output as well, ktau increases as it should, but the value reported for the time during writes alternates between 0.0 and 180 as shown below:

 ATM variables written at   2041010112  0.000000000000000E+000
 SRF variables written at   2041010112  0.000000000000000E+000
 RAD variables written at   2041010112  0.000000000000000E+000

 ATM variables written at   2041010115   180.000000000000     
 SRF variables written at   2041010115   180.000000000000     
 RAD variables written at   2041010115   180.000000000000    

 ATM variables written at   2041010118  0.000000000000000E+000
 SRF variables written at   2041010118  0.000000000000000E+000
 RAD variables written at   2041010118  0.000000000000000E+000

The time variable looks like this for 204101:

time = 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 9, 30, 15, 36, 21, 42, 27, 48, 33, 
    54, 39, 60, 45, 66, 51, 72, 57, 78, 63, 84, 69, 90, 75, 96, 81, 102, 87, 
    108, 93, 114, 99, 120, 105, 126, 111, 132, 117, 138, 123, 144, 129, 150, 
    135, 156, 141, 162, 147, 168, 153, 174, 159, 180, 165, 186, 171, 192, 
    177, 198, 183, 204, 189, 210, 195, 216, 201, 222, 207, 228, 213, 234, 
    219, 240, 225, 246, 231, 252, 237, 258, 243, 264, 249, 270, 255, 276, 
    261, 282, 267, 288, 273, 294, 279, 300, 285, 306, 291, 312, 297, 318, 
    303, 324, 309, 330, 315, 336, 321, 342, 327, 348, 333, 354, 339, 360, 
    345, 366, 351, 372, 357, 378, 363, 384, 369, 390, 375, 396, 381, 402, 
    387, 408, 393, 414, 399, 420, 405, 426, 411, 432, 417, 438, 423, 444, 
    429, 450, 435, 456, 441, 462, 447, 468, 453, 474, 459, 480, 465, 486, 
    471, 492, 477, 498, 483, 504, 489, 510, 495, 516, 501, 522, 507, 528, 
    513, 534, 519, 540, 525, 546, 531, 552, 537, 558, 543, 564, 549, 570, 
    555, 576, 561, 582, 567, 588, 573, 594, 579, 600, 585, 606, 591, 612, 
    597, 618, 603, 624, 609, 630, 615, 636, 621, 642, 627, 648, 633, 654, 
    639, 660, 645, 666, 651, 672, 657, 678, 663, 684, 669, 690, 675, 696, 
    681, 702, 687, 708, 693, 714, 699, 720, 705, 726, 711, 732, 717, 738, 
    723, 744 ;

Other than that, the data looks fine, it seems isolated to the time variable.


Mark A. Snyder, Ph.D. | Assistant Project Earth Scientist and Lecturer
Climate Change and Impacts Laboratory
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Santa Cruz
(W) 831-459-3504 | msnyder at pmc.ucsc.edu

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