[RegCNET] Terrain generation problem with RegCM-4.1.1

Tanmay Dhar tstorm.tanmay at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 12:03:19 CEST 2011

    I have installed RegCM-4.1.1 with latest version of Netcdf( 4.1.3). But
during pre-processing it stops at terrain making part. It starts smoothly
but halts after grid setup, geo-mapping and grid co-ordinate range . Though
I have successfully linked all the surface data required through
datalinker.py, it compells my wonder why the error comes like this-

 NetCDF library error.
 No such file or directory "

This netcdf data file (GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc) is already in data directory and
ncdump successfully reads it.
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