[RegCNET] Postdoctoral Researcher in Regional Climate Modeling

Ashfaq, Moetasim mashfaq at ornl.gov
Tue Aug 2 22:39:40 CEST 2011

Hi Bi,

Could you please post it to the regcnet.



Postdoctoral Researcher in Regional Climate Modeling

The Computational Earth Sciences group of the Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory seeks to hire a Post Doctoral Researcher to participate in research involving the development of approaches to investigate natural and anthropogenic hydroclimate variability at regional and local scales. Using a suite of global-to-regional scale climate models and observational datasets, this research will improve the quantitative understanding of nature of interactions between fine-scale hydroclimate processes and large-scale climate forcing, and role of such interactions in the occurrence of high-intensity low-frequency hydro-climate extremes at multi-decadal time scales.
The successful candidate will be expected to:
1) Play a key role in the planning and execution of multi-model-driven ultra-high resolution global and regional climate modeling experiments
2) Analyze, present and publish research results in scientific conferences and peer-reviewed journals
3) Coordinate and collaborate with researchers at ORNL and other DOE National Labs.
 Minimum Qualification: Candidates must have received a PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences or a related field within the past five years from an accredited college or university.
Required Skills:
1) Strong understanding of current climate modeling techniques with demonstrated expertise in the use and application of a Regional Climate Model.
2) Demonstrated ability to perform comprehensive analysis of large climate datasets through advanced data analysis techniques and evaluation matrices.
3) Excellent oral and written communication skills.
4) Good publications record in peer-reviewed journals.
5) Expertise in one of the programming languages such as Fortran, C, and analysis packages such as MATLAB, IDL, NCL.
Desired Skills:
1) Knowledge of North American climate and global monsoon systems
2) Experience in the use of Global Climate Models data
3) Experience in the use of climate models output in process-based hydrological applications and statistical hydrology
 We anticipate it to be a two years position, dependent on continuing funding. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Technical Questions: For more information about this position please contact Dr. Moetasim Ashfaq (mashfaq at ornl.gov<mailto:mashfaq at ornl.gov>). Please reference this position title in your correspondence.
Interested candidates should apply online: https://www3.orau.gov/ORNL_TOppS/Posting/Details/174
Please refer to the following link for the application requirements:
This appointment is offered through the ORNL Postgraduate Research Participation Program and is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The program is open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S. citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled veteran.

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