[RegCNET] Dust bin 1.0-2.5 (trac2) in RegCM4.0

James Ciarlo` james.ciarlo at physics.org
Sun Jul 24 09:26:23 CEST 2011

Apparently, even the ouput of all wet deposition from convective
precipitation is like this.

On 21 July 2011 10:41, James Ciarlo` <james.ciarlo at physics.org> wrote:

> Dear RegCNET,
> In the past few months I was working on RegCM4.0 before the newer version
> came out. And I realized that the aerosol tracer output trac2 for Dust of
> size 1.0 to 2.5 um is set to a constant zero (image output from GrADS
> attached). Is this a one time problem? or has this problem arisen before? Is
> there a solution?
> Regards,
> James
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