[RegCNET] About output format of RegCM4.1

tamirat bekele atomictamirat at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 24 23:10:49 CEST 2011


There are binaries GrADSNcPlot and GrADSNcPrepare , which are created when you build the model. The first one helps you to plot directly from the NETCDF files while the other one can help you to prepare CTL file from netcdf. Please check the reference manual and user guide.


Tamirat Bekele Jimma

--- On Fri, 6/24/11, Yan Libin <zjuyanlibin at 163.com> wrote:

From: Yan Libin <zjuyanlibin at 163.com>
Subject: [RegCNET] About output format of RegCM4.1
To: "regcnet" <regcnet at lists.ictp.it>
Date: Friday, June 24, 2011, 8:26 AM


Dear RegCM4.1ers,
I just tried to run a test of RegCM4.1.
But I found that this version of model can only output file format of 
Moreover, these netcdf files can't be opened by GrADS.
Because I am not familiar with other visualization tools, so can anyone 
tell me 
how to output file of CTL+BINARY?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Libin Yan
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