[RegCNET] PostProc

Felipe Roque felipenrs at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 20:28:55 CEST 2011

Dear RegCM users,

I´ve been watching many questions about post proc procedures recently. In
fact, I think it should be created a better document about post proc

I have a doubt! I´ve just finished a simulation and I´m using the sequence
below to generate monthly means of ATM files.

1) sigma2p ...
2) average month ...
3) GrADSNcPrepare ...

My regcm.in is set like this (128x138x18 - with 50 km resolution):

 iy     = 138,
 jx     = 128,
 kz     = 18,
 nsg    = 1,
 iproj = 'NORMER',
 ds = 50.0,
 ptop = 5.0,
 clat = -20.00,
 clon = -57.00,
 plat = -20.00,
 plon = -57.00,
 truelatl = 30.0,
 truelath = 60.0,
 i_band = 0,

The problem is that when I finish post proc sequence above,  GrADSNcPrepare
returns to me a .CTL file with the following information:

pdef  126 136 bilin sequential binary-big ^AS.coord
*xdef   273* linear  -86.67   0.22
*ydef   266* linear  -46.39   0.22

The question is: how does the model works with a 128x138 grid (50 km
resolution) and post proc returns a 273x266 grid (~25 km resolution)?!
PS: domain is conserved!

Can anyone explain? My post proc sequence is correct?

Thanks in advance!

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