[RegCNET] problem to run RegCM with EH5OM

R Climate rclimate at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 14 15:15:17 CEST 2011

Dear Dr. Graziano, and RegCNET group,

   Still I have problem to run RegCM with EH5OM with RegCM4.1 and 4.1.1.   
Please see the attached previous message. Looking for your reply.

Thanks for help

Dear Dr. Graziano,
    I'm new user for REgCM4.1. I try to run the model for the future 
simulation using ECHM data.  I was able to run both of terrain and sst.  Once, I performed the icbc command I got the following error:

RegCM/Labwork_EH> ./Bin/icbc .exp1.in

  This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4
   SVN Revision:  compiled at: data : Jun 13 2011  time: 11:50:21

 : this run start at    : Mon Jun 13 17:13:17 2011
 : it is submitted by   : Rahul
 : it is running on     : blook-4
 : in directory         : /data/Rahul/RegCM/Labwork_EH
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 255, file
 /data/Rahul/RegCM/Labwork_EH/exp1.in, line 140, position 0
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
icbc               00000000008F261D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               00000000008F1125  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               000000000089E5D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               000000000084C1AF  Unknown               Unknown 
icbc               000000000084B9E2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               000000000086FCA1  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               00000000004005F6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               00000000004F45B7  Unknown               Unknown 
icbc               000000000040030C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               00000000008FD2BC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
icbc               0000000000400209  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Here is my exp1.in:

 iy     = 60,
 jx     = 80,
 kz     =
 nsg    = 1,
 iproj = 'LAMCON',
 ds = 70.0,
 ptop = 5.0,
 clat = 45.39,
 clon = 13.48,
 plat = 45.39,
 plon = 13.48,
 truelatl = 30.0,
 truelath = 60.0,
 i_band = 0,
 domname = 'EU',
 ntypec = 10,
 ntypec_s = 10,
 smthbdy = .false.,
 lakedpth = .false.,
 fudge_lnd   = .false.,
 fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
 fudge_tex   = .false.,
 fudge_tex_s = .false.,
 h2opct = 75.,
 dirter = '/data/Rahul/RegCM/Labwork_EH/input',
 inpter = '/data/Rahul/Reg_ICBC/',
 ibyte = 4,
 debug_level = 1,
 dbgfrq =
 nspgx  = 12,
 nspgd  = 12,
 nsplit = 2,
 ibdyfrq = 6,
 ssttyp = 'EH5RF',
 dattyp = 'EH5OM',
 ehso4 = .false.,
 globidate1 = 2000010100,
 globidate2 = 2000020100,
 dirglob = './input',
 inpglob = '/data/Rahul/Reg_ICBC/',
 lon0 = 0.0,
 lon1 = 358.125,
 lat0 = -89.0625,
 lat1 = 89.0625,
 aertyp = 'AER11D1'
 ntr =  24,
 nbin = 4,
 ifrest  = .false. ,
 idate0  = 2000010100,
 idate1  = 2000010100,
 idate2  =


From: Graziano Giuliani <ggiulian at ictp.it>
To: R Climate <rclimate at yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 8:30:44 PM
Subject: Re: [RegCNET] problem of GrADSNcPlot

On 06/13/2011 07:21 PM, R Climate wrote:
> Dear Dr. Graziano,
>      I'm new user for REgCM4.1. I try to run the model for the future simulation
 using ECHM data.  I was able to run both of terrain and sst.  Once, I performed the icbc command I got the following error:

This is a known bug already corrected in RegCM 4.1.1. Please download the new tarball from the eforge site.


-- Graziano Giuliani - Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11 - I - 34151 Trieste Italy
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