[RegCNET] convert many nc files into one

Mohamad Ibrahim OMAR egy_mohamad at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 12 07:55:03 CEST 2011

you can merge the files by using CDO as the following
>cdo mergetime ifile1 ifile2 ifile3 ifile4 ..... ofile
ifile is the input file and ofile is the output file

Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed OMAR
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Scientific Research Department
Climate Studies Centre
Kobry El-Quobba, P.O.Box. 11784 
Cairo, EGYPT
Mobil phone  : 002 0160802805  
Home Phone : 002 0482370261

From: Xuejia Wang <wangxuejia86 at 163.com>
To: RegCNET at lists.ictp.it
Sent: Sat, June 11, 2011 8:25:53 PM
Subject: [RegCNET] convert many nc files into one

Hello, everybody!
I have a question want to consult. I have download 60 nc 
files(shtfl.sfc.gauss.1951.nc-shtfl.sfc.gauss.2010.nc). Is there any way to make 
these files become one, which I can handle the synthetic file with Grads? Any 
suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
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