[RegCNET] Re:Re: SURFACE problem

suxingtao at sina.com suxingtao at sina.com
Mon May 30 07:12:51 CEST 2011

Dear all friends,
Now I am downloading the SURFACE data (GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc and GTOPO_BTM_30s.nc),but the downloading speed is so slow (only about 0~5kb/s). It will need hundreds of hours to download them. Is there faster way? My bandwidth is 1M.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.

Best wishes,
Xingtao Su
PLA Uni. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing, China
---- 原始邮件 -----
发件人:bixq <bixq at ictp.it>
收件人:suxingtao at sina.com
主题:Re: [RegCNET] SURFACE problem
日期:2011-5-18 13:33:28

Hi, Su:

You have to download the four 30s surface data from webpage at:

On Wed, 18 May 2011, suxingtao at sina.com wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am sorry to take your time, but I encountered a SURFACE data problem when I run the new RegCM4.1 model. The problem occurs when I do this step: 
> ../Bin/terrain regcm.in
> This is Terrain part of RegCM package version 4
> SVN Revision: 宸插鍑?compiled at: data : May 18 2011 time: 08:29:10
> : this run start at : Wed May 18 08:50:11 2011
> : it is submitted by : root
> : it is running on : localhost.localdomain
> : in directory : /usr/RegCM-4.1/200604
> Doing Domain Setup with following parameters
> ntypec = 10
> iy = 60
> jx = 100
> ds = 60.0000000000000 
> clat = 40.0000000000000 
> clon = 100.000000000000 
> iproj = LAMCON
> Grid setup done
> Geo mapping done
> Calculated large extrema:
> MINLAT = 19.0000000000000 
> MAXLAT = 57.0000000000000 
> MINLON = 56.0000000000000 
> MAXLON = 145.000000000000 
> Determined Grid coordinate range
> Opening ./DATA/SURFACE/GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc
> NetCDF library error.
> No such file or directory
> ...........................................................
> Could you help me? I am grateful for any help.Thanks very much.
> Xingtao Su
> PLA University of Sci. and Tech.,Nanjing,China 

Dr. Xunqiang Bi email:bixq at ictp.it
Earth System Physics Group
The Abdus Salam ICTP
Strada Costiera, 11
P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
Tel: +39-040-2240302 Fax: +39-040-2240449
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