[RegCNET] Difference between CLM results and SRF results

Huanghe Gu guhuanghe at yahoo.com.cn
Wed May 4 17:48:26 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I have been running RegCM4 coupled with CLM3.5. I was expecting there should be no difference in results between SRF files and CLM output files regarding the variables such as 
precipitation, evapotranspiration and surface temperature at 2m. However, when I compared these variables between the two type of files, the values are not consistent with each other.

Therefore, I am very confused and not sure how to interpret these results. It will be great if I can find some help on this list.
I will appreciate your kind help.


Huanghe Gu
Ph.D Candidate
Hydrology and Water Resources Department
Hohai University
1 Xikang Road, 210098
Nanjing, China
Email: guhuanghe at yahoo.com.cn
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