[RegCNET] divergence

Sara Rauscher rauscher at lanl.gov
Mon Mar 28 21:22:37 CEST 2011

Hi Michael,
Have you tried the hdivg function in grads?

Michael Notaro wrote:
> Does anyone tried using NCL to compute divergence (e.g. 250hPa) from
> RegCM4 output?  I tried converting the sigma data to pressure, interpolating the 
> data to a regular grid, and then computing divergence, but the result is extremely
> noisy even with a monthly average and seems to have computational issues.  
> I already emailed ncl-talk with little success.  If there's a recommended method,
> let me know.  
> Thanks, Michael 
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Sara A. Rauscher
T-3 Fluid Dynamics
MS B216
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
(505) 606-0512

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