[RegCNET] Conference on e-infrastructure at ICTP, may 16-20

GIORGI FILIPPO giorgi at ictp.it
Fri Mar 11 10:19:12 CET 2011

Dear RegCNETers

I wanted to bring your attention to the confernce on the Role of
e-infrastructure for climate change (see atatched poster) which will be
held at ICTP on May 16-20 2011. Although the deadline for application is
passed, you can still apply, especially if you do not require financila
support. In the conference there will be very high level talks (Dr.
Shindaram, scientific adviser of the Indian prime minister, Dr. J.P. Van
Ypersele, vice chair of IPCC, Prof. Philander and Eltahir and others) as
well as a tutorial on the newly released RegCM4.1.

So if you are interesteed I encourage you to apply (see poster)

with my best regards,   Filippo Giorgi
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