[RegCNET] contours that follow the topography

Irini Yiannikopoulou avgeio at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 4 13:47:57 CET 2011

Dear all,

I am sorry for bothering you again but you are the only persons that can really help me. I've run RegCM4.0 several times and when I displayed the results, I noticed that the contours of some variables tend to follow the topography and are limited in the land, for example the geopotential height in all levels or the surface pressure. Furthermore, almost all variables have closed contours over islands in the Mediterranean. Does this behaviour imply any error that I have to examine further (if so, could you please give me an idea of where I must turn my attention to?) or little value differences over the sea?
I attach two images, one of the geopotential height in 865hPa (hgt865hPa.ps) and one of the surface pressure (surfacepressure.ps) both at 1983020400.
Any help is really invaluable.

Best regargs,
Irini Yiannikopoulou

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