[RegCNET] [Fwd: [Eswn] Workshop for Early Career Scientists: Regional Climate Issues in Developing Countries]

Sara Rauscher rauscher at lanl.gov
Mon Feb 7 19:16:57 CET 2011

This may be of interest to some RegCNETers.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Eswn] Workshop for Early Career Scientists: Regional Climate 
Issues in Developing Countries
Date: 	Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:15:37 -0700
From: 	Christine Wiedinmyer <christin at ucar.edu>
To: 	eswn at acd.ucar.edu

Dear Everyone,

the NCAR Early Career Scientist Assembly (ECSA) steering committee is
inviting to a three day workshop for early career scientists on
Regional Climate Issues in Developing Countries in October 2011. This
workshop is sponsored by ASP NCAR and is connected to the upcoming
WCRP Open Science Conference in Denver. The workshop takes part at
NCAR October 19-22, 2011, Boulder.

We encourage early career scientists to apply to this
workshop to exchange ideas and establish collaborations for future
work with scientists from developing countries. The theme of the
workshop is to examine the diversity of regional climate issues with a
focus on developing countries, with topics including but not limited
to: droughts, floods, heat waves, severe storms, sea level rise, water
supplies, agricultural yields, the survival of native species,
pollution (air quality) and human health...

Please find further information at the WRCP website:
and apply by March 31st, 2011

We also encourage all scientists to forward the information of the
workshop to potentially interested scientists around the world and
especially in developing countries. Travel support is available
especially for Early Career Scientists from developing countries.

Best regards,


Simone Tilmes (ECSA Chairperson)
phone: 303-497-1445
National Center For Atmospheric Research
1850 Table Mesa Dr, Boulder, CO, USA  80305

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Sara A. Rauscher
T-3 Fluid Dynamics
MS B216
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
(505) 606-0512

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