[RegCNET] Effects of SST changes over Iran

deniboz deniboz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 16:23:59 CET 2011

Dear Iman,

You may be interested in recently published article related to SST impact on precipitation:

"Deniz Bozkurt and Omer Lutfi Sen (2011) Precipitation in the Anatolian Peninsula: sensitivity to increased SSTs in the surrounding seas. Clim Dyn 36(3-4):711-726."

You can download the article here:


Any question is welcomed. Regards.

Deniz Bozkurt
Research Assistant
Istanbul Technical University
Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
Maslak 34469 Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 2856247
Fax: +90 212 2856210

On Jan 31, 2011, at 7:21 AM, babaeian wrote:

> Dear RegCM users
> I have run the RegCM3 for investigating the probable SST effects of main water bodies around Iran including Caspian and Mediterranean seas,  Persian Gulf and Oman sea on the monthly precipitation of Iran. For this regards, I changed the SST file to increase all SST of the relevant water body by 1 degree of Centigrade.  But strangly ,there were no changes in monthly mean precipitation of Iran in SST+1 cases. 
> Any suggesstion is highly appereciated
> Thank you in Advance
>          Iman Babaeian
>  Climate Change Division
> National Center for Climatology
> (Climatological Research Institute)
> I. R. of Iran Meteorological Organization
>  Mashad: 98 511 3822306-8 , www.cri.ac.ir
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