[RegCNET] Output display with GrADS

James Ciarlo` james.ciarlo at physics.org
Fri Feb 4 16:08:33 CET 2011

I am experiencing a problem very much identical to this with pressure. I am
trying to get pressure at mean sea level but the results are equivalent to
surface pressure. But I cannot understand why this is so.


On 4 February 2011 12:37, Irini Yiannikopoulou <avgeio at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have run Regcm4. I used the 1983 dataset from NNRP2 database for the
> ICBC, the GLCC10MIN_BATS for the landuse, GTOPO30_10MIN for the topography,
> sst.mnmean, sst.wkmean.1981-1989 and sst.wkmean.1990-present for the SST.
> The regcm.in file is attached.
> When it finished, I converted the outputs of the model to netcdf files in
> order to display the parameters I wanted using the GrADS. I tried to compare
> the images with the corresponding ones from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1
> website: “
> http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanalysis.html”. For
> many of the parameters the results of the comparison were satisfactory. The
> main problem appeared with the surface pressure and geopotential heights
> images in which there are no values at the sea grid points.
> Could you please give me an idea of what it went wrong?
> Thank you in advance!
>  Irini Giannikopoulou
>  P.S.The surfacepressure and hgt865hPa images, which are attached, are the
> from the Regcm4.0 output and the surfpres and the hgt850hPa images come from
> the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 webpage. The date that is diplayed is 0402198300.
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