[RegCNET] website problem

Clement Onime clement.onime at ictp.it
Wed Feb 2 08:43:02 CET 2011

 Hi Bixq,

The clima-dods server is NOW working ok. It was just a problem of a
broken link, which I have now fixed so it is ok now..


On 02/01/2011 06:13 PM, bixq wrote:
> Dear Michael:
> Yes, you are right. The clima-dods server doesn't work.
> The task for the installing of new server of ICTP hasn't finished
> yet. This weekend ICTP computer section would continue their work.
> Regards,
> Xunqiang Bi
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2011, Michael Notaro wrote:
>> I tried downloading the topo, soil, and landuse files from
>> http://users.ictp.it/~pubregcm/RegCM4/globedat.htm
>> but the links to the data do not work.  How can I get
>> the 10-minute netcdf data?
> Which file you want ? If just 10 minute files, you can have them
> (temporarily) at:
> http://users.ictp.it/~bixq/RegCM4_10min/GLCC_BATS_10min.nc
> http://users.ictp.it/~bixq/RegCM4_10min/GTOPO30_10min.nc
> http://users.ictp.it/~bixq/RegCM4_10min/SOILCAT_10min.nc

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