[RegCNET] RegCM4 dust + chemistry

Fiona TUMMON fiona.tummon at aero.obs-mip.fr
Wed Jan 26 14:29:05 CET 2011

Hi there,
 I've just recently switched to running RegCM4 (after using RegCM3 for
the past 3 years). I've happily installed the model and got it running
without the chemistry and dust modules, however, when I attempt to run
with the chemistry I run into some problems. The model doesn't crash,
but there are no values for dust emissions, chemical conversions and
wet/dry deposition. I'm sure I've just made a simple mistake along the
way, but I'm not sure where. Below is the regcm.in file I've used. Is
there anything that needs to be changed in this file to activate the
chemistry and dust? Or is there any other parameters that need to be
changed elsewhere? (I'm running with ERA40 and the BATS surface scheme).

Thanks in advance for your help!


 iy     = 144,
 jx     = 128,
 kz     = 18,
 nsg    = 1,
 iproj = 'ROTMER',
 ds = 50.0,
 ptop = 5.0,
 clat = -14.,
 clon =  28.,
 plat = -14.,
 plon =  28.,
 truelatl = 30.0,
 truelath = 60,
 domname = 'chemtest',
 itype_in = 1,
 ntypec = 5,
 ntypec_s = 10,
 ifanal = .true.,
 smthbdy = .false.,
 lakadj = .false.,
 fudge_lnd   = .false.,
 fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
 fudge_tex   = .false.,
 fudge_tex_s = .false.,
 ntex = 17,
 h2opct = 75.,
 dirter = '/raid4/tumf/chemtest/input',
 inpter = '/home1/tumf/regcmfour_bats/PreProc/DATA',
 igrads = 1,
 ibigend = 1,
 ibyte = 4,
 iotyp = 1,
 debug_level = 1
 nspgx  = 12,
 nspgd  = 12,
 nsplit = 2,
 lkpts  = 10,
 ssttyp = 'OI_WK',
 dattyp = 'ERA40',
 ehso4 = .false.,
 globidate1 = 1981110100,
 globidate2 = 2002010100,
 dirglob = '/raid4/tumf/chemtest/input',
 inpglob = '/home1/tumf/regcmfour_bats/PreProc/DATA'
 lsmtyp = 'BATS',
 aertyp = 'AER11D1'
 ntr = 10,
 nbin = 4,
 ifrest  = .false. ,
 idate0  = 1981110100,
 idate1  = 1981110100,
 idate2  = 2002010100,
 nslice  =        120,
 radfrq  =    30.,
 abemh   =    18.,
 abatm   =   600.,
 dt      =   120.,
 ibdyfrq =      6,
 ifsave  = .true. ,
   savfrq  =  72.,
 iftape  = .true. ,
   tapfrq  =   6.,
 ifrad   = .true. ,
   radisp  =   6.,
 ifbat   = .true. ,
 ifsub   = .true. ,
   batfrq  =   6.,
 ifprt   = .false.,
   prtfrq  =  12.,
   kxout   =    6,
   jxsex   =   40,
 ifchem  = .true.,
   chemfrq =     6.,
 iboudy  =          5,
 ibltyp  =          1,
 icup    =          2,
   igcc    =          2,
 ipptls  =          1,
 iocnflx =          2,
 ipgf    =          0,
 iemiss  =          0,
 lakemod =          0,
 ichem   =          1,
 qck1land=   .250E-03,
 qck1oce =   .250E-03,
 cevap   =   .100E-02,
 caccr   =      3.000,
 idirect   =    2,
 inpchtrname  =  
 inpchtrsol   =  0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80
 inpchtrdpv(:,1) =0.,0.,0.,0.,
 inpchtrdpv(:,2) = 0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00800,0.0020
 inpdustbsiz(:,1)  = 0.01, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00
 inpdustbsiz(:,2)= 1.00, 2.50, 5.00,20.00
 dirclm = '/raid4/tumf/chemtest/input',
 imask  = 1,
 clmfrq = 12.,

Fiona Tummon
Laboratoire d'Aérologie
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III

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