[RegCNET] ask for the description file of EH5OM SST data

Huanghe Gu guhuanghe at yahoo.com.cn
Wed Jan 5 02:53:37 CET 2011

Hi Regcm users,

I want to check the EH5OM SST data by GrADS. Cound you give some advice about the description file of SST_20C_3_1994010100_2001010100? 
I try to write a new .ctl file but it doesn't work in GrADS.

I write the .ctl file like this:
DSET      ^SST_20C_3_1994010100_2001010100
TITLE   HadSST 6hrly SST jan1994-jan2001
UNDEF     -9999.0
OPTIONS big_endian
XDEF     192  LINEAR  0.000 1.875
YDEF     96  LINEAR   -90.00 1.875
ZDEF       1  LINEAR      1013 0.01
TDEF     10228  LINEAR 6z01jan1994 6hr
VARS       1
SST        1  99  sea-surface temperature  [K]

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Huanghe Gu
Ph.D Candidate
Hydrology and Water Resources Department
Hohai University
1 Xikang Road, 210098
Nanjing, China
Email: guhuanghe at yahoo.com.cn
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