[RegCNET] SSTs for NNRP1 before 1981

James Ciarlo` james.ciarlo at physics.org
Tue Jan 4 14:42:35 CET 2011

Dear all,

I am trying to use the data provided on the web site (
http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.noaa.oisst.v2.html), to use
OISST for RegCM4, in particular the Long term monthly means as driving data
for the SST for the Model RegCM4.0

The problem is that model is not recognising the years. I opened the data
files (with Panoply) listed below to identify what the problem was and I
realised that the years are marked as 0001, not as 1990 etc. simply because
they are 30 year averages.


Now RegCM4 is apparently set to run NNRP1 with OI_WK or OI2WK, and NNRP1 is
available from 1948-2010, but the OISST data available is only available
from 19811023. Is there SST available to match at least some years prior to
1981? if so where can i get them please?


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