[RegCNET] NAN problem

rajeshj at cusat.ac.in rajeshj at cusat.ac.in
Thu Dec 9 10:29:58 CET 2010

Dear all,
 I run RegCM3 successfully for many years with the following values in
regcm.in. But when the model is run for the year 2005, it always gives
Can any one help me to find the problem? Thank you in advance

regcm.in for the year 2005. Only the idates change for other years.

 ifrest  = .false. ,
 idate0  = 2005040100,
 idate1  = 2005040100,
 idate2  = 2005100100,
 nslice  =        120,
 radfrq  =    30.,
 abemh   =    18.,
 abatm   =   100.,
 dt      =    50.,
 ibdyfrq =          6,
 ifsave  = .false.,
   savfrq  =    48.,
 iftape  = .true. ,
   tapfrq  =     3.,
 ifrad   = .false.,
   radisp  =     6.,
 ifbat   = .false.,
 ifsub   = .false.,
   batfrq  =     3.,
 ifprt   = .false.,
   prtfrq  =    12.,
   kxout   =          6,
   jxsex   =         40,
 iotyp   =          1,
 ibintyp =          1,
 ifchem  = .false.,
   chemfrq =     6.,
 iboudy  =          1,
 ibltyp  =          1,
 icup    =          2,
  igcc    =          2,
 ipptls  =          1,
 iocnflx =          2,
 ipgf    =          0,
 lakemod =          0,
 ichem   =          0,
 ncld    =          3,
 qck1land=  0.250E-03,
 qck1oce =  0.250E-03,
 cevap   =  0.100E-02,
 caccr   =      3.000,
 idirect   =    1,
 chtrname  =                                                              
 chtrsol   =  0.00,
 chtrdpv   = 0.00000,0.00000,
 dustbsiz  =  0.00, 0.00,


 Rajesh J.

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