[RegCNET] Floating exception error

LeeSanghun sanghunchang at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 11 12:27:49 CET 2010

Dear all
I have a problem while running the regcm.x.
The error message is falling.
    Maximum Convective Cloud Cover
      before resolution scaling:    0.2500000000000000     
    Maximum Convective Cloud Cover
      after resolution scaling:    0.2500000000000000     
    Convective Cloud Water:    4.9999998736893758E-005
     the surface energy budget is used to calculate the ground temperature.   julday =   1   gmt =  6.0
          the radiation is computed every   30 time steps.
   relaxation boudnary conditions (exponential method) are used. fnudge =     0.83333E-03  gnudge =     0.13333E+06
0 k    sigma(k)     a(k)     dsigma(k)    twt(k,1)     twt(k,2)     qcon(k)
  1     0.0000     0.0250     0.0500       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
  2     0.0500     0.0750     0.0500       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
  3     0.1000     0.1300     0.0600       0.4545       0.5455       0.5455
  4     0.1600     0.1950     0.0700       0.4615       0.5385       0.5385
  5     0.2300     0.2700     0.0800       0.4667       0.5333       0.5333
  6     0.3100     0.3500     0.0800       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
  7     0.3900     0.4300     0.0800       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
  8     0.4700     0.5100     0.0800       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
  9     0.5500     0.5900     0.0800       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
 10     0.6300     0.6700     0.0800       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
 11     0.7100     0.7450     0.0700       0.5333       0.4667       0.4667
 12     0.7800     0.8100     0.0600       0.5385       0.4615       0.4615
 13     0.8400     0.8650     0.0500       0.5455       0.4545       0.4545
 14     0.8900     0.9100     0.0400       0.5556       0.4444       0.4444
 15     0.9300     0.9450     0.0300       0.5714       0.4286       0.4286
 16     0.9600     0.9700     0.0200       0.6000       0.4000       0.4000
 17     0.9800     0.9850     0.0100       0.6667       0.3333       0.3333
 18     0.9900     0.9950     0.0100       0.5000       0.5000       0.5000
 19     1.0000

 maximum time = 3652.750 days.
 time step =   60.00 seconds
 dx =  20000. meters
 grid points (x,y) = ( 40, 40)
 number of levels = 18
 constant hor. diff. coef. =  0.10000E+05 m*m/s
 maximum  hor. diff. coef. =  0.10417E+06 m*m/s
Floating exception
I don't know why this error occurred.
I runned regcm at past time(1971-2000) with same setting.
It was successfuly finished.
If anyone know this problem, teach me.

>Sanghun Lee, Ph.D. 
>E-mail: sanghunchang at hotmail.com 

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