[RegCNET] RES: Fw: regcm3-chem

Gabriel Pereira gabriel at ltid.inpe.br
Wed Aug 11 01:54:58 CEST 2010

Olá Franklin,
Também rodo o REGCM.
O Domínio está certo quando você plota ele no grads? Por exemplo o

Gabriel Pereira 
BSc. in Geography  – UDESC
Technician in Meteorology – CEFET/SC
MSc. in Remote Sensing – INPE 
Doctorate Student in Remote Sensing – INPE
Doctorate Student in Physical Geography – USP
Modeling of the atmosphere and its interfaces group - GMAI 
Remote Sensing Division (DSR) - National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
internet: http://meioambiente.cptec.inpe.br/
lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1682210041460939
Phone: +55 12 39456668

-----Mensagem original-----
De: regcnet-bounces at lists.ictp.it [mailto:regcnet-bounces at lists.ictp.it] Em
nome de Franklin Velarde Rosasco
Enviada em: terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010 19:18
Para: regcnet at lists.ictp.it
Assunto: [RegCNET] Fw: regcm3-chem

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Franklin Velarde Rosasco" <franklin at model.iag.usp.br>
To: regcnet at lists.ictp.it
Sent: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 13:06:41 -0200
Subject: [RegCNET]  regcm3-chem

From: "Franklin Velarde Rosasco" <franklin at model.iag.usp.br>
To: regcnet at lists.ictp.it
Sent: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 12:17:19 -0200
Subject: [RegCNET] regcm3-chem

Good Afternoom to all!!!!

1 .- I'm study pollution to Paraiba'Valley (aprox. -20.43 e -20.65S e -41 e
-46.5W). I be haze about emission database obtained in run to 20 km in
resolution, (x,y)=(100,120), when I view AERO.ctl in GRADS the chemical
parameters (BC,OC e SO2) are dislocated to ocean (Atlantic), view  attach
files . These emissions are, apparently, to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and
Minas Cities, in continent.

2.- In DOMAIN.CTL take place a mistake to elevation in grads points fixes,
example: To lon: -45.00W lat:-22.68S, elevation is 563m and the result to
model is 905.5m; or to lon:-45.42W and lat:-23.69S elevation is 3m (that
place is beach) and the result to model is 410,3m What are you do to rectify
that mistakes.??


Franklin Velarde Rosasco

Doutorando IAG-USP

Rua do Matão 1226 - Cidade Universitária- São Paulo/SP - Brasil - 05508-090

Cel (12) 9781-0250
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Franklin Velarde Rosasco

Doutorando IAG-USP

Rua do Matão 1226 - Cidade Universitária- São Paulo/SP - Brasil - 05508-090

Cel (12) 9781-0250
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Franklin Velarde Rosasco

Doutorando IAG-USP

Rua do Matão 1226 - Cidade Universitária- São Paulo/SP - Brasil - 05508-090

Cel (12) 9781-0250

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