[RegCNET] premature termination of regcm.in while being made

rajeshj at cusat.ac.in rajeshj at cusat.ac.in
Thu May 20 13:40:57 CEST 2010

Hi users,
I am trying to run RegCM3 on HPC with AIX 5.3. I have had so many hurdles
while trying this. First, while running the terrain.x the following error

 after calling ANAL2
rm: fort.48�: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
 after calling SURF
Note        � this appears as a question mark in a block in the

I could not figure out what is happening. But after that domain.info is
created and icbc.x has run successfully. But the problem is that the
regcm.in file was not created fully. only five lines were written in that

bash-3.2$ more regcm.in
 ifrest   =    .false.,
 idate0   = 2005010100,
 idate1   = 2005010100,
 idate2   = 2005020100,

and regcm.x looks fine

bash-3.2$ more regcm.x
#!/bin/csh -f
set mydir=$PWD
cd ../Main
make clean
cd $mydir
mv ../Main/regcm .
/bin/ln -sf ../Input/DOMAIN.INFO fort.10
/bin/ln -sf    ../Input/ICBC2005010100 fort.101

Can anyone please help me to overcome this?

Rajesh J

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