[RegCNET] 150 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN

rajesh maurya rksmaurya at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 04:16:33 CET 2010

Hello All,
           I am running RegCM3 Model,In the preprocessing stage i have got
successful result after executing the .terrain.x and ./icbc.x schripts.

           After that i made a new directory in Regcm folder and copy
regcm.in and regcm.x files from Commons folder and did necessary changes  in
regcm.in file and run the regcm.x scripts but in the log file it is showing

Please let me help to come over .

  OUT-history written date =    2001010100.00000
 BATS variables written at   2001010100   2.00000000000000
 Writing rad fields at ktau =            1  2001010100
     at day =    0.0681, ktau =         50 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
*82E-04 0.23108E-06,  no. of points w/convection =    2670
 BATS variables written at   2001010103   180.000000000000
     at day =    0.1375, ktau =        100 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
*89E-04 0.43143E-06,  no. of points w/convection =    2693
     at day =    0.2069, ktau =        150 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
*       NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =     292
           *** solar declination angle = -22.96 degrees.
  dectim =    2880.00000000000
 OUT-history written date =    2001010106.00000
 BATS variables written at   2001010106  0.000000000000000E+000
 Writing rad fields at ktau =          180  2001010106
 BCs are ready from   2001010106   to   2001010112
     at day =    0.2764, ktau =        200 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
       NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
     at day =    0.3458, ktau =        250 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
       NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
 BATS variables written at   2001010109   180.000000000000
     at day =    0.4153, ktau =        300 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
       NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
     at day =    0.4847, ktau =        350 :  *1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
       NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
           *** solar declination angle = -22.94 degrees.
  dectim =    4320.00000000000

*PracticeRun*  Subdirectory in Commons Subdirectory  in below

*fort.10  fort.101  output  postproc.in  regcm  regcm.in  regcm.x*

 * Below is **regcm.in* <http://regcm.in/>* file which i have used .
*  $restartparam
 ifrest   =    .false.,
 idate0   = 2001010100,
 idate1   = 2001010100,
 idate2   = 2001010300,

 nslice  =        120,
 radfrq  =    30.,
 abemh   =    18.,
 abatm   =   600.,
* dt      =   120.,*

 ibdyfrq =          6,
 ifsave  = .true. ,
   savfrq  =    48.,
 iftape  = .true. ,
   tapfrq  =     6.,
 ifrad   = .true. ,
   radisp  =     6.,
 ifbat   = .true. ,
 ifsub   = .true. ,
   batfrq  =     3.,
 ifprt   = .false.,
   prtfrq  =    12.,
   kxout   =          6,
   jxsex   =         40,
 iotyp   =          1,
 ibintyp =          1,
 ifchem  = .true. ,
   chemfrq =     6.,
* iboudy  =          5*,
 ibltyp  =          1,
 icup    =          2,
   igcc    =          1,
 ipptls  =          1,
 iocnflx =          2,
 ipgf    =          0,
 lakemod =          0,
 ichem   =          0,
 ncld    =  3,
 qck1land = 0.00025,
 qck1oce  = 0.00025,
 cevap    = 1.0e-3,
 caccr    = 3.0,

 idirect   =    2,
 chtrname  =    'SO2',
 chtrsol   =  0.20,
 chtrdpv   = 0.00300,0.00800,
 dustbsiz  =  0.01, 1.00,

Rajesh Kumar Maurya
M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics(Meteorology); Junior Research Fellow & Research
Department of Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005
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