[RegCNET] Upcoming RegCM workshop deadline

giorgi giorgi at ictp.it
Mon Jan 25 16:40:35 CET 2010

Dear RegCNETers

just a reminder that the deadline for application to the upcoming regcm 
workshop is 31 january.

A word about the special issue papers. As I mentioned earlier, to expedite 
the special issue process, people who plan to participate in it should 
submit an extended abstract of their eventual papers, to be discussed 
during the workshop. In fact by the time of the workshop, it would be 
important to have almost finished papers. However, it just occurred to us 
that the ICTP on-line system may not be well equipped for receiving large 
files, so please send the extended abstract to me as well.

If you cannot complete the abstract by the deadline, submit your 
application anyways and then send the abstract later on to me when it is 

Looking forward to a very exciting event,

with my bestr egards,         Filippo Giorgi

# Filippo Giorgi, Head                                         #
# Earth System Physics Section                                 #
# The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics #
# P.O. BOX 586, (Strada Costiera 11 for courier mail)          #
# 34100 Trieste, ITALY                                         #
# Phone: + 39 040 2240 425                                     #
# Fax: + 39 040  2240 449                                      #
# email: giorgi at ictp.it                                        #

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