[RegCNET] Reagrding GLOBALDATA set

bixq bixq at ictp.it
Sun Sep 26 16:59:31 CEST 2010

I would suggest use wget under Linux,

wget http://clima-dods.ictp.it/data/d8/EH5OM_Global/A1B3/2096/EgA1B2096OCT

The format is compress binary (you know, use offset and scale_factor).

On Sat, 25 Sep 2010, rajesh maurya wrote:

> I am using RegCM4 for which I was trying to use EH5OM run by MPI at
> Hapburg data
> , when I click to download for the data , There a file is opening i.e not
> readable and not getting any save button on window .
> Please let me know how can I use this data .
> --
> Rajesh Kumar Maurya
> M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics(Meteorology); Junior Research Fellow & Research
> Scholar
> Department of Geophysics
> Banaras Hindu University
> Varanasi 221005

   Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq at ictp.it
   Earth System Physics Group
   The Abdus Salam ICTP
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