[RegCNET] total precipitation

Coppola Erika coppolae at ictp.it
Tue Jan 26 15:40:28 CET 2010

The second option is the correct one!! ;o)
It is always mm/day if you are using the standard post-proc of the model.
If you look the header of the netcdf file using the command "ncdump -h"
you will see in ascii format all the variables included in the file with
the units.
Best wishes

> Hello every body,I just want to ask about the unit of the total
> precipitation (rt). After we postproc the data in the monthly mean, the
> total precipitation variable (rt) is it the monthly mean for the month
> (mm/month) or its the mean per day (mm/day) for the specific month?
> thanks!Abu
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Coppola Erika , Ph.D
Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34100 Trieste, ITALY
Phone: + 39 040 2240 407
Fax: + 39 040  2240 449

email: coppolae at ictp.it

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