[RegCNET] Deciphering OUT_HEAD.CTL

Maurice.McHugh at noaa.gov Maurice.McHugh at noaa.gov
Thu Nov 19 13:27:58 CET 2009

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to understand why in OUT_HEAD.CTL the pdef line states my correct grid sizes (nx,ny), but the xdef and ydef lines which should state the same grid size are different.

For example,
pdef   58   58 lcc   38.89  -77.00   29.00   29.00   30.00   60.00  -77.00  10000.  10000.
xdef  166 linear  -80.65  0.0450
ydef  126 linear   36.11  0.0450

In the above case the 58x58 nature of my grid is correctly specified in pdef, but not in xdef nor ydef which give a 166x126 grid.  

In order to better understand the file I went ahead converted the data to netCDF using CDO (climate data operators) and plotted markers at the intersection of xlong and xlat from OUT_HEAD.CTL but when plotted they produced a straight line.  I'm unsure whether this is a CDO translation artifact, or if my understanding of the contents of the OUT_HEAD.CTL file is woefully inadequate.

Any insight to correctly extracting usable data from this file would be much appreciated!



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