[RegCNET] Please delete my name on the list.

bixq bixq at ictp.it
Wed Nov 11 16:23:03 CET 2009

Dear all:

If you want to unsubscript RegCNET, please not hesitate to let me know.

Note: you'd better not write to regcnet at lists.ictp.it.

There is anothing thing:

ICTP computer section decides to clean the RegCNET emaillistserver
to avoid too many fails in sending email, if your email address is in
the following lists, then there is a possibility to be forced to 
unsubscript RegCNET. You'd better to use the email address with
faster network connection.

regcm at moments.pl
narisma at wisc.edu
wuwentian58 at yahoo.com.cn
nndavis at unity.ncsu.edu
soundiata07 at yahoo.fr
dgequ at mineat.gov.tn
baolin at alrc.tottori-u.ac.jp
zowiti at icpac.net
kuy at suscom-maine.net
lennard at egs.uct.ac.za
rftome at fc.ul.pr
jargete at csrc.upd.edu.ph
mmdoka at egs.uct.ac.za
cs1050172 at cse.iitd.ac.in
dganguly at prl.res.in
ioana.colfescu at meteo.inmh.ro
dwivedisuneet at rediffmail.com
jifei1123 at vip.sina.com
monica.ionita at meteo.inmh.ro
wangyq at cams.cma.gov.cn
solman at at.fcen.uba.ar
chenhl at cams.cma.gov.cn
delivitez at nimbus.elte
raq_francisco at yahoo.com
giorga at pop.tuwien.ac.at
fengyunfengyunfengyun at yahoo.com
gorgeous_egha at yahoo.com
moustafa68nsr at yahoo.com
kwh_met at yahoo.com
aleanav at unitus.it
khalid_science2000 at yahoo.com
suraj.saini at mail2.iitd.ac.in
archana_met at yahoo.com
Mulla at moew.gov.ae
maluta at weathersa.co.za
maryjane at weathersa.co.za
maryjane.kgatuke at weathersa.co.za
kdkorte at ncsu.edu
asteiner at nature.berkeley.edu
gtg674c at mail.gatech.edu
yl_lin at ncsu.edu
juanwang at eden.rutgers.edu
bdchen at climate.gsfc.nasa.gov
kdarmenova at eas.gatech.edu
yzhang at eas.gatech.edu
chenbei780308 at 126.com
ppsunsnalei at gmail.com

Thank you very much for your cooperation !
Xunqiang Bi

On Wed, 11 Nov 2009, ÇüÅô wrote:

> To regcnet!
>   I do not run this model any more,but the E-Mails about it continuously been sent
> in my E-box nearly everyday, so can you delete my name on the list.
>   thank you very much.
>                                                                        micheal

   Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq at ictp.it
   Earth System Physics Group
   The Abdus Salam ICTP
   Strada Costiera, 11
   P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
   Tel: +39-040-2240302  Fax: +39-040-2240449

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