[RegCNET] Aerosol problem - DUST.

Szymon Pysz szymon.pysz at gmail.com
Mon May 4 19:44:14 CEST 2009

Dear users,
I have a problem with dust.

The parameters of my simulation:
File domain.param:
iy = 15
ix = 15
kz = 23
ds = 60
clat = 52.06
clone = 19.48
AERTYPE = AER00D1 (dust)

Regcm.in file looks like this:
abatm = 600.,
dt = 200.,
ichem = 1,
idirect = 2,
  chtrname = 'DUST', 'DUST', 'DUST', 'DUST',
  chtrsol = 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
  chtrdpv = 0.00025,0.00050,0.00075,0.00100,0.00025,0.00050,0.00075,0.00100,

  dustbsiz = 0.01, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00,20.00,

I understand dustbsiz are dimensions individual dust?
What is chtrsol, chtrdpv?

Examples of values found in this forum.
Simulation for the Polish.

The problem is that in the CHE * all variables are equal 0. ATM, SRF is

What I do wrong? What can I improve that to work? Looking for the
documentation and the forum, but unfortunately I did not find a solution ...

Thanks and regards,
Szymon Pysz
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