[RegCNET] CF-compliance in RegCM3 netcdf files

Travis O'Brien tobrien at ucsc.edu
Thu Apr 23 00:02:33 CEST 2009

Dear RegCM3 Users,

I  have written a bourne shell script that takes postprocessed RegCM3 
netcdf files and makes them partially CF convention compliant.  I did 
this so that I could properly plot RegCM3 data files using the program 

Please note that this script is still being developed, and there are 
possibly bugs!  So please: BACKUP YOUR NETCDF FILES before trying this 
script.  If you use this script and find any bugs, or have any ideas on 
how it might be modified to make it more useful, please e-mail me at 
tobrien at ucsc.edu.

To use the script, please download the file (url is below) and make it 
executable (e.g. chmod +x ./cf_conform).  To get details about using the 
script, just run the program with no arguments (e.g.  ./cf_conform)

The script can be downloaded here:

and its license (the GPL license) can be downloaded here:

The script requires that your system have the nco (netcdf operators) 
suite installed.  If you don't have them, they can be obtained for free 

Also, the plotting program, panoply, can be obtained here:

Again, this program may have bugs, so BACKUP YOUR DATA before using this 
program on it!!!

I hope that someone finds this useful.

-Travis O'Brien-  

Travis A. O'Brien
Graduate Student Researcher
Earth and Planetary Science Dept.
UC Santa Cruz

tobrien at ucsc.edu
(831) 459-3504

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