[RegCNET] Help for executing the terrain.x script
jhzhang at lzb.ac.cn
Wed Feb 11 13:27:06 CET 2009
Dear sir;
When I executed the terrain.x script,some tips turned out, as follows:
O350% ./terrain.x
rm -f *.o terrain
f90 -c -64 -trapuv -g terrain.f
f90 -o terrain terrain.o -64 -trapuv -g -L../../Commons/env/libsgi/ -lnetcdf
8885:./terrain: rld: Warning: The aggregate IEEE exceptions required (OEX_FPU_MIN) (0x10) not as complete as the aggregate IEEE exceptions permitted (OEX_FPU_MAX>>8)(0x8).
8885:./terrain: rld: Warning: Use "elfdump -op " to see the floating-point exceptions (OEX) flags for the latest object.
8885:./terrain: rld: Warning: Using aggregate 0x10 as OEX_FPU_MIN to add floating-point exceptions flags with set_fpc_csr().
8885:./terrain: rld: Warning: Calling set_fpc_csr with (0x1000800)
ntypec= 10
iy= 34
jx= 51
ds= 60.
clat= 45.3899994
clon= 13.4799995
rin= 1.5
Do you want to overwrite the existing file? [y/n/q]
Do you want to overwrite the existing file? [y/n/q]
***** Terrain resolution (min): 10.
after calling SETUP
PSX,PSI1 = 0.778591394, 0.52359879
PSX,PSI1 = 0.778591394, 0.52359879
XN,TRUELATL,TRUELATH = 0.715566874, 30., 60.
after calling MAP PROJECTION
xminlat,xmaxlat,xminlon,xmaxlon,ntypec= 34.97 54.85 -9.34 37.18 10
after calling MXMNLL
33759 terrain heights read from land use volume
after calling RDLDTR
after calling XYOBSLL
rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.600E+05
rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.600E+05
after calling ANAL2
after calling SURF
after calling FUDGE
lib-4211 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
A WRITE operation tried to write a record that was too long.
Encountered during a direct access unformatted WRITE to unit 9
Fortran unit 9 is connected to a direct unformatted unblocked file:
IOT Trap
Abort (core dumped)
After that, the file"DOMAIN.CTL" is 0 kB.
Please help me what is the problem and how to solve it ? I am looking forword to your answer.
Thank you ! Best wishes!
sincerely yours.
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