[RegCNET] Deciphering OUT_HEAD.CTL

bixq bixq at ictp.it
Fri Nov 20 09:33:32 CET 2009

On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Maurice.McHugh at noaa.gov wrote:

> Do you happen to know if RegCM can work in parallel across multiple
> servers without a shared filesystem  like GFS or NFS?

Yes, actually the requirement to run parallel mode of RegCM is very less,
just MPICH (or openmpi) installation.

If you have several computer or several multiple servers which connected
by fast network, and each of them has MPICH installed, then it's also 
fine. In the previous RegCM workshop, I have seen one student run RegCM
in parallel as this way, he prepare one file which contains the computer
names he plan to use.

Honestly, the clusters and supercompters I used are not that complicated.
I just simply use mpirun or mpiexec (on Linux cluter by using qsub) and 
poe (on IBM SP server by using poe, or mpirun, or llsubmit).

Xunqiang Bi

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