[RegCNET] (no subject)
Travis O'Brien
tobrien at ucsc.edu
Wed Oct 28 14:08:53 CET 2009
Dear Vincent,
RegCM3 outputs to the ATM, RAD, and CHE files every 6 hours by default and
to the SRF file every 3. You would need to change the following variables
to the value '1' in the file 'regcm.in' before running the model in order to
get hourly output:
And then to postproc these hourly data, you would need to do the following:
1) Change dtout, dtbat, dtrad, dtche, and dtsub to the value 1.00 in the
file 'postproc.param' in the directory 'PostProc'
2) re-make postproc
3) set '! Write out all RegCM data b/twn idate1 & idate2?' to the value
'.true.' in the file 'postproc.in' in your run directory, and set the other
three averaging flags ('Average...', 'Dirunali...', and 'Continually...') to
the value '.false.' in the same file.
4) Run postproc
I am outlining the steps here without testing them in an actual run, so it
is possible I am missing a step in this process. Does anyone on the RegCNET
notice any mistakes or omissions in this process?
I hope this helps!
-Travis O'Brien-
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 3:03 AM, Vincent Lanre Ajayi <vincentajayi at yahoo.com
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am running RegCM to study MCS over West Africa. I would prefer my result
> on hourly basis rather than daily and monthly mean in the present RegCM3
> post processor. Can anyone explain how i can get post-processing output on
> hourly basis and how often does regcm output data its binary file.
> Present address
> Vincent Lanre Ajayi
> START-ACCFP fellow
> Climate Systems Analysis Group
> Dept of Environmental & Geographical Science
> University of Cape Town
> Private Bag X3
> Rodenbosch 7701
> Cape Town, South Africa
> office:+27216505774
> Mobile: +27834262253
> Permanent Affiliation
> Department of Meteorology
> School Earth and Mineral Sciences,
> Federal University of Technology,
> PMB 704 Akure 340001,Nigeria,
> voajayi at futa.edu.ng
> skype:vincentajayi1
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Travis O'Brien
Ph. D Candidate
Earth and Planetary Sciences, UCSC
(831) 824-4103
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