[RegCNET] help in running RegCM3 in Linux Cluster

rajeshj at cusat.ac.in rajeshj at cusat.ac.in
Sat Oct 17 13:03:40 CEST 2009

Hi all,

While trying to run RegCM3 on a linux cluster with intel fort compiler 11,
the following error occured. the compiler works for other codes but the
makefile need be modified, i think. Can anybody give a solution for this?

[user at cluster Terrain]$ ./terrain.x
rm -f *.o terrain
ifort -tpp7 -g -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian -c
-L../../Commons/env/liblinux64/ -lnetcdf -Vaxlib terrain.f
ifort -tpp7 -g -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian -o terrain terrain.o
-L../../Commons/env/liblinux64/ -lnetcdf -Vaxlib
../../Commons/env/liblinux64//libnetcdf.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
make: *** [terrain] Error 1
./terrain: Command not found.
[user at cluster Terrain]$


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