[RegCNET] Congratulations Dr. Moetasim Ashfaq!!!

William J. Gutowski gutowski at iastate.edu
Mon Jul 27 18:21:32 CEST 2009

Please add my congratulations to this great accomplishment (and 
thanks to his committee).


At 1:36 PM -0400 7/23/09, Noah Diffenbaugh wrote:
>Many congratulations to Moetasim Ashfaq, who has just passed his PhD
>dissertation defense!
>Thanks and congratulations also to Jeremy Pal and Jeff Trapp, who are both
>members of Moetasim's dissertation committee.
>Congratulations Dr. Ashfaq!!!
>Dr. Noah S. Diffenbaugh
>Interim Director, Purdue Climate Change Research Center
>Associate Professor
>Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
>Purdue University
>550 Stadium Mall Drive
>West Lafayette, IN, 47907-2051
>765.494.0754 (office)
>765.494.2434 (lab)
>765.496.1210 (fax)
>diffenbaugh at purdue.edu
>RegCNET mailing list
>RegCNET at lists.ictp.it

William J. Gutowski, Jr.
Prof. of Meteorology
3021 Agronomy Hall
Dept. of Geological and
      Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University
Dept. of Agronomy
Ames, Iowa  50011-1010

gutowski at iastate.edu

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