[RegCNET] Total precipitation

zhangdf at cma.gov.cn zhangdf at cma.gov.cn
Sun Mar 8 08:03:37 CET 2009

Hi Beatrice,

If your output frequency is 6hr, 

For Jan, Mar, May, Jury, Agu, Oct, Dec: precipitation of a month=(ave(tpr,t=1,t=124))*31

For Feb: precipitation of a month=(ave(tpr,t=1,t=112 or 116))*28 (or 29)

For others:  precipitation of a month=(ave(tpr,t=1,t=120))*30

Best regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Béatrice Morel 
  To: regcnet at lists.ictp.it 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 2:24 PM
  Subject: [RegCNET] Total precipitation

  Dear All,

  In files of ATM and SRF, precipitation is given in units of mm/day. Is it then the rate or total amount of one time step?

  What should I do if I want to have total precipitation of a month (in units of mm).

  Many thanks by advance for your reply.

  With best regards



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