[RegCNET] Aerosol emission (updated)

Yanlb yanlibin at ieecas.cn
Fri Mar 6 16:32:54 CET 2009

Dear Zakey,
You are a great scientist.
But we can't run the Regcm-Dust correctly, it always show incorrect message.
Best wishes.
Your fan.



发件人: Zakey Ashraf_Saber 
发送时间: 2009-03-06  23:23:20 
收件人: azakey 
抄送: regcnet 
主题: [RegCNET] Aerosol emission (updated) 
Dear RegCNET
      The Aerosol data is updated to include the emissions based on the
emission inventory 2000. This will solve the under estimation of
sulfate and other aerosols which is based on the old emission file.
Enjoy the new aerosol data,
Best regards
! Dr. Ashraf Zakey, Visiting Research Scientist               !
! Earth System Physics (ESP)                                  !
! Physics of Weather and Climate Section (PWC)                !
! The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics!
! P.O. BOX 586, (Strada Costiera 11 for courier mail)         !
! 34100 Trieste, ITALY                                        !
! Phone: + 39 040 2240 385                                    !
! Fax:   + 39 040  2240 449 (or + 39 040 224 163)             !
! e-mail: azakey at ictp.it                                      !
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