[RegCNET] Regional climate modeling session at Fall AGU meeting

Raymond W. Arritt rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu
Fri Aug 29 13:01:45 CEST 2008

Dear RegCNET colleagues,

We encourage you to present your results in the special session
"Regional Climate Modeling" (GC07) which we are convening as part of the
Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), 15-19 December
2008 in San Francisco, California, USA.  The web page for the Fall
Meeting is:

The session will have invited presentations from Jens Christensen
(ENSEMBLES), Jim Hurrell (very high resolution RCM and GCM-RCM
cooperation), and Linda Mearns (NARCCAP).

Abstracts are due not later than 2359 UTC on 10 September 2008.  Please
be aware that AGU is very strict about deadlines and they will NOT
accept late abstracts under any circumstances.  Submit your abstract
using the link:
The abstract submittal fee is waived for participants from certain low
and middle income countries, listed at

To submit an abstract you or a coauthor must be a member of AGU or one
of the participating societies, or your submission must be sponsored by
an AGU member.  If you or a coauthor are not a member of AGU we can
arrange for your submission to be sponsored by one of us (please give a
few days notice).

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have questions.  We look
forward to seeing you in San Francisco.

Best regards,
Ray Arritt

(for the conveners:  Ray Arritt and Ruby Leung)


Session Description

GC07: 	Regional Climate Modeling


Raymond Arritt
Iowa State University, USA
rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu

Lai-Yung (Ruby) Leung
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Ruby.Leung at pnl.gov

Description: 	Dynamical regional climate models (RCMs) have become
widely used for studying climate processes on small scales and for
downscaling global climate model (GCM) results to finer spatial
resolution. We seek presentations for this session which will provide an
overview of the current state of the art in dynamical RCMs and will
discuss outstanding issues in the development and application of RCMs.
Contributions are solicited on topics including but not limited to
regional downscaling of climate change scenarios and seasonal
predictions; RCM intercomparison projects; applications of RCM results
in climate change impacts assessments; effects of numerical methods and
physical parameterizations on RCM accuracy; sensitivity of RCM results
to large-scale boundary data; skill of RCMs when applied to different
regions; and coupling of RCMs with other earth system models.

 Raymond W. Arritt                              tel +1-515-294-9870
 Professor, Department of Agronomy              fax +1-515-294-2619
 3010 Agronomy Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa  50011   USA

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