[RegCNET] SST data range

XUNQIANG BI bixq at ictp.it
Mon Sep 10 12:03:46 CEST 2007

Dear All:

We have just found one problem in RegCM3 related to the
code SST_1DEG.f under /RegCM/PreProc/ICBC directory.

Suppose you run experiments before Dec. 15, 1981 and choose
to use SSTTYP='OISST' (or 'OI_NC'), The code doesn't give
any error (or warning) message, then you can run the rest
parts of precess.

But unfortunately, this is not correct. We know that OISST
(monthly OISST) is just avaiable from December 1981. When
SST_1DEG.f cannot read out the right record, it will just
set all the posits the same value: 273.15K.

The similar problem also happens if you run expermints
before 1981110100 and choose to use 'OI_WK' (weekly OISST).

I have added the fix in today's version to present these
kind of things happen.

To run the experiments before Dec. 15, 1981, you have to
choose to use 'GISST' or other SST data (like NCEP SST).

It's a pity if any inconveniences due the above error.

Best regards,
Xunqiang Bi

   Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq at ictp.it
   Earth System Physics Group
   The Abdus Salam ICTP
   Strada Costiera, 11
   P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
   Tel: +39-040-2240302  Fax: +39-040-2240449

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