[RegCNET] reading lake output

Michael Notaro mnotaro at wisc.edu
Fri Jul 13 19:42:45 CEST 2007

I ran regcm3 for 2 days, Jan 1-2, 1996.  It outputted LAK.010100.
I am trying to write a fortran code to read the output.
It is included below.

What did I do wrong here?  It seems there is more data on each
line than I am reading, and some temperature values are huge.

Is it outputting an initial set of values and then again every hour?
It seems to me to have 49 time steps if I am looking at it right.

Thanks, Mike

       integer day, ilake(527), jlake(527), depth(527), skip, i
       real evap(527), hi(527), hice(527), hsnow(527), t(527,500)
       integer ilake1(527), jlake1(527), depth1(527)

       read(1,10) skip
       do i=1,527
         read(1,20) ilake(i), jlake(i), depth(i)
       end do
    10 format(I2)
    20 format(3I3)

       do inum=1,49
         do i=1,527
           read(2) skip, skip,ilake1(i), jlake1(i), depth1(i), evap(i),
      #      hi(i), hice(i), hsnow(i), (t(i,j),j=1,depth(i))
         end do
       end do



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