[RegCNET] lake model

Richard Anyah anyah at cep.rutgers.edu
Thu Jun 28 15:33:32 CEST 2007

Hi Mike,

The following publications may be relevant, though they use lake model 
from variants of the RegCM family for Lake Victroia in equatorial 
eastern Africa.

>I have some general questions about the lake model in RegCM3.
>In particular, relating to the Great Lakes.
>Could someone email me the references to some papers that use the
>lake model with regcm3?  I would like to see previous applications
1.  Song, Y., F.H.M. Semazzi and L. Xie, 2002: Development of a coupled 
regional climate simulation model for the Lake Victoria Basin. In /The 
East African Great Lakes,Limnology,Paleolimnology and Biodiversity/, 
Odada E and Olago G(eds). Gordon and Breach: Armsterdam: 141-154

2.  Song, Y., F.H.M. Semazzi and L. Xie, and L.J. Ogallo, 2004: A 
coupled regional climate model for Lake Victoria basin of East Africa. 
/Int. J. Climatol/. *24*, 57-75

3.   Anyah, R.O., and F. H. M. Semazzi, 2004: Simulation of the response 
of Lake Victoria basin climate to lake surface temperatures./Theor. 
Appl. Climatol/,* 79, *55-69

4.   Anyah, R.O., F.H.M. Semazzi and Lian Xie, 2006: Simulated physical 
mechanisms associated with multi-scale climate variability over Lake 
Victoria Basin in East Africa, Monthly Weather Review: 134,3588-3609

>What dynamics does the lake model simulate?  Lake ice fluctuations?
>Changes in lake level?
        You may have to compute changes in E, P and horizonatal mosture 
convergence to infer lake level fluctuations.
       Also the 1D lake use simplified vertical exhange of moisture and 
heat between the lake and the atmosphere.(See refs. 1, 2 and 4 above)

>If the lake model is turned off, does the model assume climatological  
>temperatures or is the lake replaced by land?
As far as I know  when the lake is tuurned off, the "lake" surface 
temperature uses the  surface temperature, unless you physically 
prescribe 'climatological' temperature over the lake surface

Hope the information may be helpful.


Richard Anyah
Research Associate
Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences
Rutgers University
14 College Farm RD
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551
Phone: (732) 932 9735
Fax:     (732) 932 8644


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