[RegCNET] Vertical profile of parameters in RegCM3 output

Dilip Ganguly dganguly at prl.res.in
Tue Apr 17 13:14:57 CEST 2007


I need help regarding the interpretation of vertical profile of any 
parameter in RegCM output. RegCM output provides values of various 
parameters as a function of sigma pressure levels. So, my question is, how 
to get the values of any parameter as a function of altitude from the 

When I did sigma to pressure level conversion using the routine SIGMAtoP.f 
for an atmosphere file in the RegCM output, I am getting a parameter 'h' 
(p-level height) in the output file. I wanted to know whether 'h' 
represents the height of vertical levels in sigma coordinate system or 
pressure coordinate system. I have run the model over a domain and I am 
getting the following values of h over a particular grid point in that 
-72.9515 12.3138 141.57 360.507 674.409 1092.6 1629.3 -118524 4107.36 
5180.75 6394.32 7796.92 9453.17 11332.8 13355.6 15561.1 18488.3 inf

I am not able to understand why some of the 'h' values are negative, eg. 
the first one and also another one with value -118524. What is the 
interpretation of negative values of h over any grid point and what about 
the significance of other parameters at those negative heights.

I shall be thankful if someone can explain me these things and help 
me in getting the altitude levels of various parameters in RegCM output.

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Dilip Ganguly                               
Space And Atmospheric Sciences Division      
Physical Research Laboratory                
Ahmedabad 380009
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 79 26314558    
Fax:   +91 79 26314659
Alternate Email: ganguly.dilip at gmail.com          
URL: http://www.prl.res.in/~dganguly

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